Three Haemeophillus paragallinarum serotypes designed A,B, and C are recognized.
The disease is potentially in any poultry raising area but frequenly occur in spesificregions as achronic or seasonal problem. Coryza result in decresed eg production in commersial laying and breeder operation.
Infection follow direct contack with clinically affected or aymptomatic carrier or indirect contact with contaminedequipment or personnel. The phatogen does not remain viable outside the host for periods exceeding 24 hours
Clinical sign
Flock morbidity varies from 1-20%. mortality is negligible in uncomplicated cases of coryza. Egg production is reduced folowing infection. Clinically affected birds show unilateral or bilateral ocular discharge progressing for facial celulitis and chronic sinusitis
Picture: Clinical signs Of Coryza
Acute cases show severe conjungtivitis and inflamation of the pheriorbital fascia. Chronic cases show serous to caseous sinusitis
Immature birds can be treated with water soluble sulfonamides. Combinations of tetracyclines are frequenly used to treat Coryza by administrationin water or injected directly by the intramuscularroute.
Appropriate biosecurity measured will limit the possibility of introducing infection on to breeding or commercial farm. Two doses of inactivated vaccine should be administered by the subcutaneous or intramuscular route at four week interval during the rearing period.
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